We are in the process of receiving bids for the work to be done. So far, I have received the following info and 1 written bid (posted below.)
1.) Ike Cook has given a verbal bid of $1100 to grade Mitchell from Big Chino to Vista Way, pulling all the material from the sides into the road to fill holes and crown the road; he said it would take 3-4 passes with the grader to accomplish this.
2.) One of the neighbors, “Jock” has submitted that he thinks we should use the HOA Red Material, which is about half the price of the other materials. ($6.50/ton plus delivery) He said they have used it on their roads successfully.
3.) Click link below to see written bid from Sanchez.
I will post any other bids that are sent to me. If you have a bid to post please email it to me at PauldenRoads@gmail.com, and I will add it.
Thank you for all your hard work!