If you are interested in stepping up and becoming the next Paulden Roads Maintance Organizaion president, please email your name and contact info to pauldenroads@gmail.com.
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Note from Jean Reno
To all involved in Paulden Roads Maintenance Organization: It is with sadness that I am leaving Paulden Roads Maintenance Organization. There has always been too little money donated to be able to hire out the work on the roads in our Org, which meant doing the work ourselves. With the health issues I am dealing […]

Road Meeting Minutes 11-17-18
Road Meeting Minutes 11-17-18 1.Sign- in and introductions – 15 people attended Discussed need for donations, and 2 ways to pay – either through PayPal or by mail 2.Would take $3000 to fix Antelope Run; have $1200 in the Treasury now. Because of costs, Antelope Run will be split into 3 jobs: 1) Naples to […]

Road Meeting Scheduled…Be There or Be Square!
Road Meeting Scheduled! We have set up a Road Meeting to be held at the Paulden Library (Located at 16 W. Big Chino Road Paulden) at 2:00pm Sat Nov 17, 2018. Seating will be tight, so if you have folding chairs please bring them. The chairs can be left in your car until we see […]

Update on our Road Situation
UPDATE ON OUR ROAD SITUATION We are presently trying to collect enough funds to do the major repairs on Antelope Run between Naples and Poppy. This area has some major holes that need rock to fill; otherwise it will just hole out again as it has with past repairs. Our current estimate for cost is […]

Road Update
Note from the President’s Desk: As you’ve probably seen, we’ve nearly finished the work on Mitchell. However, this has left our road account nearly empty. The treasury needs funding so that we can commence work on Antelope Run from Patricia to Naples. Please help us reach our goal! You can donate here. If you prefer, […]
Roads We are Working On

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