From the Desk of the President:
There are 2 households, who do not live on Mitchell but use the road, that have offered to underwrite the cost of grading the road, if others will pick up the cost of the aggregate.
Aggregate Costs Are:
120T of HOA Red costs $810, plus $450 for delivery, for a total of $1260. If each Mitchell property owner chipped in $40, we could get Mitchell done NOW! Who is willing to step up???
Another person who does not live on Mitchell – Jim Buehring – has already pledged $40 towards the aggregate. Mitchell owners, please make your pledges in the comments section below, so we can take advantage of this offer. Once we have enough pledges to cover the aggregate, we will schedule the grading. Bank account, P.O. Box, and PayPal are coming soon so you can follow through on your pledges. Let’s not miss this opportunity!
Thank you all in advance,
Jean Reno
I don’t remember if I already pledged; but, $20.
I will pledge 100.
The Haits pledge $100
I will throw in $100 if we can stop the speeding traffic at the north end of Mitchell immediately.
I agree with Mitchell. We moved from Paulden 2 years ago but even then the biggest problem was delivery trucks speeding and making a bad situation worse. Even so we will pledge $40.00. Good luck to everyone.
We will certainly pledge $100.
Thank you for fulfilling your pledge! 🙂
Riners will put in $75
Many thanks to all who have pledged or fulfilled their pledge to pay for the aggregate. We are at almost the halfway point now: $1260 needed, pledges total $625. We are SO close! What we have now in pledges would allow us to purchase about 60 tons of aggregate…enough to lay on ONE of the two bad spots on Mitchell.
The aggregate needs to go down within a couple of days of the grading, so the road doesn’t get torn up again. If we take too long and lose this offer for the grading, it’s going to cost us twice as much to do the repairs on Mitchell. Who wants a smooth road? Anyone else who is willing to pledge???
Well I like what you said,As a junior i want some suggestion. Check my video.Thanks