1.Sign- in and introductions – 15 people attended
Discussed need for donations, and 2 ways to pay – either through PayPal or by mail
2.Would take $3000 to fix Antelope Run; have $1200 in the Treasury now.
Because of costs, Antelope Run will be split into 3 jobs:
1) Naples to top of rise
2) Top of rise to Patricia
3) Patricia to Mitchell
-Holding off on this part because of construction vehicles tearing it up
Buehring- Do neighbors on A.R. want it fixed?
Reno- One household split; wife wants; husband doesn’t. Others all want the road fixed.
Some on Mitchell didn’t want road fixed either; main complaint is people driving too fast.
Cyrus- County says it is private roads. Seen people that don’t want it done.
Reno- Heard big hole in A.R. was done on purpose, to slow people down. That’s part of what is going to take a lot of rock to fill and hold.
Cyrus- What about Sand and Gravel places? Approach and see if they will donate unsaleable stuff. Says very little cost out of pocket. Mentioned abandoned pit on Big Chino.
Reno- Tried to get material donated from abandoned pit. Won’t allow, “because of liability” – even if we signed waivers.
Cyrus- Have grader; would be willing to blade A.R., so long as we get Blue Stake to mark. Also have water wagon. Wet everything, then blade. Another way is to spread cement, then till it in and wet it down. Sets up well. Millings (asphalt grindings) also work well.
Buehring- There is Cable and Internet running down the middle of the road, where it curves.
Cyrus- Call around, ask for donations of unsaleable material. If anyone has connections, it might make them more willing to donate
Reno- Anyone here know people at Arrowhead, and would be willing to call? Any other places?
-Two people (Kathy and Sherri?) said they did, and would call; would let Reno know the results-
Van Orden- Says there is no easement on front (Antelope) side of property; no easement for High Desert past Antelope. Permitting process to build his house was $4400 “for impact fees” to county, for maintaining roads – “because they maintain Big Chino.”
Cyrus- To get roads owned by county:
-Float a bond issue = debt that all homeowners assume.
-Bring road up to county specs and maintain for a year. Then county will maintain it.
-But have to bring it up to specs first.
Cyrus-Suggests going to whomever is repping this area – politician – advise of $30,000 recently given due to 6 new property owners.
Buehring- Drake might have supplies of junk flagstone; have in the past.
Uptegrove- Advised that last time he was out there, it was all cleaned out.
4.Speed limit –
Reno- Have been asked about using road money to purchase 15 mph signs; told them we couldn’t legitimately use road money for that, but that we could collect a special fund for that purpose. Asked if any were interested in doing so.
Buehring- Signs are a waste of money unless really inexpensive; said there is no enforcement, and people ignore
Reno- If people call and complain, the sheriff will come out and set up speed traps. They will only enforce the state-mandated 25 mph for residential areas. Have seen him out twice on Mitchell.
Crisfield- They are interested in purchasing 15 mph signs; suggested seeing if the company will give a discount if purchase more than one.
5.Secretary/Treasurer –
Speakerworth- Volunteered for the position. He and Donna C. will get together to get him access to the online bank account.
– Meeting adjourned –
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